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37 recipes found:
Name Level Skill Book
Apple Hand Pie (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Apple Jam (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Apple Jam Biscuit (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Apple Pie (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Bread with Apple Jam (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Bread with Duppong Jam (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Bread with Joopiner Berry Jam (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Bread with Macca Jam (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Bread with Terevan Berry Jam (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Buttered Biscuit (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Cinnamon Apple Pie (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Cram (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Duppong Jam (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Duppong Jam Biscuit (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Duppong Pie (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Filling Apple Pie (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Fried Apple (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Fried Apple Hand Pie (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Honey-Glazed Carrot (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Joopiner Berry Jam (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Joopiner Berry Jam Biscuit (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Joopiner Berry Pie (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Macca Jam (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Macca Jam Biscuit (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Macca Pie (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Pie (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Slice of Apple Pie (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Slice of Cinnamon Apple Pie (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Slice of Duppong Pie (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Slice of Joopiner Berry Pie (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Slice of Macca Pie (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Slice of Pie (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Slice of Terevan Berry Pie (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Sweet Cinnamon Apple Slice (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Terevan Berry Jam (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Terevan Berry Jam Biscuit (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef
Terevan Berry Pie (P) 200 Cooking The Pastry Chef